Shrimp Rolls with Quick Pickles and Sweet Potato’s

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Shrimp Rolls2] liqrezShrimp
Dog Buns split on top
Kirby Cucumber
Red Fresno Peppers (These are VERY spicy be careful.)
Sweet Potatoes
White Wine Vinegar
Creamy Mustard Sauce

  • Bake Sweet Potatoes 475 degrees 25 Minutes.

    Peel then gently smash the Garlic.

    Juice the Lemon.

    Half then quarter the Cucumber.

    Slice the Celery.

    Cutoff the stem end of the pepper, remove the ribs and seeds. Wash the cutting board and your hands immediately after handling the pepper.

Combine and bring to a boil ¼ cup or water, sugar, garlic, dill, and salt. Then add the cucumber stir and turn off the heat. Leave it at least ten minutes. I just let it cool while I did everything else.

Rinse the Shrimp pat dry, salt, and pepper then cook with 2 teaspoons of olive oil for 3 minutes.

Toast the Hot Dog Buns.

Transfer the cooked Shrimp to a bowl containing the Celery, Creamy Mustard, Lemon Juice, and as much of the Pepper as you’d like. Remember the pepper is very spicy. (I personally used only four small pieces.) Mix gently then spoon into the Hot Dog Buns.

Discard the liquid, and all the spices from the pickles.

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